Select the program for which you are applying

You can only select one study for your first application

Study School End of intake
Bachelor of Arts in AccountancySOE2028-01-01
Bachelor of Arts in Banking and FinanceSOE2028-01-02
Bachelor of Arts in Business AdministrationSOE2028-01-03
Bachelor of Arts in Development StudiesSOHS2028-01-09
Bachelor of Arts in EconomicsSOE2028-01-04
Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource ManagementSOE2028-01-06
Bachelor of Arts in Mass CommunicationSOHS2028-01-10
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication & Journalis...SOHS2028-01-11
Bachelor of Arts in Occupational Health and Safety ManagementSOE2027-08-08
Bachelor of Arts in Public RelationsSOHS2028-01-12
Bachelor of Arts with EducationSOHS2029-01-01
Bachelor of Information TechnologySOE2028-01-05
Deferred Examination BusinessSOE2024-09-30
Deferred Exams PostgraduateSOE2024-09-28
Deferred Exmaination EducationSOE2024-10-28
Masters of Arts in Gender and DevelopmentSOHS2028-01-13
Masters of Arts in Peace and Conflict ManagementSOHS2028-01-14
Masters of Business AdministrationSOE2028-01-08